Next target SIR - Now that smoking in any enclosed public space in England is banned, how about the Government tackling the filthy and dangerous habit of spitting in public spaces?

The chronic debilitating disease tuberculosis (TB) still remains a major health problem in the developing world and is re-emerging in the West as a significant threat.

In fact, the World Health Organisation reported in 1998 that TB is killing more people world-wide than any other infectious disease.

The micro-organisms are spread in the air, so you would be wise to cover your nose and mouth if someone sneezes, coughs or spits near you. Like some passive smoking illnesses, TB is not always accompanied by symptoms and may only become apparent on an X-ray.

For those who find it necessary to expectorate in public, they should do so using a tissue and dispose of it hygienically.

I wonder how many people remember the Second World War health slogan! Coughs and sneezes spread diseases. Trap the germs in your handkerchief'.

D Rhodes, Croscombe Walk, Bradford