SIR - I write in response to Ian Slater's letter (T&A, July 3) in which he praises Mr Blair and refers to him as "simply the best".

I follow no political party so my judgement isn't clouded by political allegiance, nor do I wear rose-coloured glasses.

Whatever I say about Mr Blair is based on fact, not fiction.

Mr Blair is a gifted actor and public speaker, a man who could sway the masses and his own ministers into believing anything he wanted them to believe.

A gifted man indeed! But a dangerous one, as he believed with all his heart that what he did or said was the right thing for the country.

People and countries have been trampled upon for this self belief, many hundreds of thousands have died for it and many people, like Mr Slater, have been duped and deceived by Mr Blair, no matter that the wool pulled over the eyes of thousands is steeped in blood, broken promises and deception.

No, I don't think history will be kind to Mr Blair. History, hopefully, will be based on fact not fiction.

Mrs K Cliff, Coach Road, Baildon