SIR - May I point out, for the benefit of the contributors who fully support our continuing membership of the EU, if they missed it, yesterday's outburst by Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg's premier and leader of 13 single currency members, when he wanted to keep Britain in the dark over the (constitution) treaty.

He supported a public debate on it, except in Britain, saying he was astonished at those who are afraid of the people.

"One can always explain that what is in the interests of Europe is in the interests of our countries Britain is different, he continued, of course there will be transfers of sovereignty."

Brown must tell him that, unlike the Luxembourg people, he trusts the British with the referendum, promised by New Labour at the last election.

If the result goes against us, UKIP will have to go along with the result but not give up the ghost and fight on just as the Europhiles will certainly do if the vote goes the way we think it should and will.

I urge all of like mind to sign the petition, to the PM, calling for a referendum on the internet.

Philip Bird, Secretary, Bradford & District Branch UKIP, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley