SIR - Councillor Hawkesworth says the decision to delay or scrap the free bus service plan for the city centre will be reviewed in a year (T&A, July4).

What a loss for the city, a lost opportunity and the loss of a chance to develop proper regeneration in Bradford.

What this decision effectively does is to tell traders in the city centre that their businesses are on hold for a year, that the city centre is off-limits for those who have mobility difficulties and that regeneration and business opportunities are being grasped in Leeds, Huddersfield and Wakefield but not Bradford.

When this was voted through by Bradford Councillors earlier this year, following a Green Party motion, residents of the district had every reason to believe the will of our elected representatives was decisive and elderly groups, traders and thousands of individuals could raise three cheers for a sensible, bold and imaginative decision.

Now we can only look aghast as the ruling group decides that it is, once again, merely business as usual - or rather no business as usual.

David Ford, Rhodes Street, Saltaire