SIR - I heartily agree with the comments by Keith Thomson and Richard Killip (T&A, July 3) on indiscriminate building.

Buildings are creeping into our countryside at a vast rate and in future years the water will have nowhere else to go, only into the people's houses.

We are heading into a future of nothing else but concrete, because this is allowed to go on. Not only do they build, but on the way the trees, hedge rows are destroyed, and never get replaced.

This is all adding to global warming, and until they realise this folly, it will get worse.

We should take a leaf out of the book of Long Island, New York, where no one is allowed to cut any tree down, and it is only done by the authorities if the tree is dying and in danger of coming down.

They are experiencing extremely hot weather, but everything is green which proves that the water is deep down in the land and not in people's houses.

Their vast forests are beautiful, and are treasures of the USA, never to be touched. Maybe we should start taking stock of what we are doing to our sites which in the past have been a joy to visit.

B J Rudd, Roger Court, Undercliffe