SIR - I very much welcome Councillor David Ward's comments on the vegetative state of the Odeon.

Though only superficial, the appearance of the vegetation makes the whole building appear to be in an advanced state of decay, fuelling support for Yorkshire Forward's ambition to have it demolished.

I am not sure whether David Ward is in favour of retaining the Odeon or not, but what I do find incredible is that to my knowledge not one of the 90 or so Bradford councillors have come out publicly to support a refurbishment.

I read also this week that in respect of the Bronte Birthplace that "A spokesman for Bradford Council would not comment on why the Authority did not (place) a bid."

I get sick of being fobbed off by those who I would remind are not working for private companies, but for us, the Bradford ratepayers and taxpayers who pay their salaries and generous expenses.

Do you remember the Council trumpeting their commitment to "Bradford, City of Culture?' Now, only four years on we see the demise of an architectural gem and the sale of the birthplace of the Brontes to a private buyer while this cultural' council looks on and does nothing.

Gordon Dean, Long Lane, Harden, Bingley