SIR - Hasn't M Byrne (T&A, July 3) realised yet that all pop groups "do it for themselves"? It is a business for them not a voluntary service brigade.

Wake up, please,and realise that there are thousands of people in the UK and millions elsewhere who enjoyed watching the Spice Girls and there will be many millions who will enjoy the Spicey Women when they get on tour.

They are maybe not the best group musically but they can string a song along and make it interesting and they sure are good to look at.

I will let you into a secret - they know they will make a lot of money, and good luck to them.

Can you please try to lose that envious tone in your letters?

You are suffering from the great British disease called "knock them of the pedestal envy" rather than the great American logo that reads "good luck to them - I want some of it and am prepared to move myself to get some!"

Phil Boase, Elizabeth Street, Wyke