SIR - As a smoker I hated the idea of a ban on smoking in public places which came into force on July 1.

However, it was not all a day for doom and gloom. My local pub, the King's Arms in Heaton, has erected a comfortable smoking area outside, with seats, tables, lights and heaters.

Consequentially, the other night, despite the cold, people were sat there all night - including several non-smokers.

There was a wonderful sense of community amongst us smokers, and I had conversations with several people I never would have usually spoken to. This actually made it nicer to sit outside having a cigarette than inside!

However, the general consensus was that we would not have enjoyed it as much had there not been such a comfortable place for the smokers to enjoy a cigarette, rather than us just being lumped on the street.

If every pub has a decent place for the smokers to go, there should be no downturn in trade.

Miss N Dzerins, Rossefield Road, Heaton