SIR - You reported (T&A, June 27) that Labour said it would be unlawful for them to vote for the Waste Management Strategy when they had only received the paperwork 24 hours before.

The illegality' didn't stop them voting against it however!

The truth is just two Labour councillors out of a total of 39 had not received the papers. The other 37, including their spokesperson on the environment, received the papers at the same time as everyone else.

Why couldn't they vote for the strategy? Are they still sulking because they are not leading the Council? Don't forget Labour turned down the offer to do so as part of a multi-party executive.

Discussions about the management of waste must be lifted above the petty sulking of a political party with its nose out of joint.

The two Labour councillors who did not get their papers on time could be excused for not taking part in the debate; the other 37 cannot.

Labour voters in Bradford must be astonished by this behaviour. Those of us who work together, despite our political differences, to make sure Bradford succeeds, wonder when will the Labour Party stop sulking and start working.

Councillor David Ward (Lib-Dem, Idle and Thackley) Clara Road, Bradford