SIR - I was disappointed with the report of the Council debate on the future management of the district's waste (T&A, June 26).

The amendment to the plan, moved by the Liberal Democrats, not only raised issues of odour and emission control, community impact and benefits, it more importantly removed the option of incineration from the district plan.

Incineration of rubbish, especially of plastics, is yesterday's technology. Autoclaving (heat treatment by steam) puts Bradford at the leading edge of waste management technology.

By including the comfort zone' of buying some capacity at an incinerator, the Conservatives effectively removed the pressure to reduce the amount of rubbish we create.

The Liberal Democrats want to keep up the pressure to reduce, reuse and recycle scarce resources, so we excluded this incineration as an option. This was supported by the Conservatives and the Greens.

I can only assume the pressure to meet print deadlines meant that the ditching of incineration was inadvertently missed by your reporter - an omission I am sure you will correct as Bradford steps on to centre stage in the national battle to deal with the country's waste.

Coun Jeanette Sunderland, (Lib-Dem, Idle & Thackley) City Hall, Bradford.

EDITOR'S NOTE: We can only assume the pressure to write your letter meant that you inadvertently missed the following which appeared about halfway down our report: "Following yesterday's executive and full Council meetings, contingency plans to also award a contract to the company behind an existing energy-from-waste incinerator in Huddersfield were scrapped. The Liberal Democrat amendment from group leader Councillor Jeanette Sunderland also called for a detailed appraisal of odour and emission control to be completed before the contract is finalised. It received the backing of the Conservative and Green councillors. Labour and the British National Party voted against it, with Labour saying it would be unlawful for them to vote for an issue for which they had only received the paperwork 24 hours before."