SIR - Seeing the Spice Girls getting back together again - it's surely comes down to money and no other reason.

At the time the concerts are due to start, four of them will be mums. They should be putting the children top of their agenda and not, as Posh says, doing it to show her boys what mum used to do. Why can't she get a proper job?

The recent photo shoot of them wasn't too complementary. Geri looked like a real frumpy mum.

Girl Power went out in the 90s and we were hoping it wouldn't rear its ugly head again.

I feel, unfortunately, these concerts will be a success as many sad cases will buy the tickets.

At least when Take That reformed they had new material that isn't half bad.

The Spice Girls will probably just rehash their hits' as, apart from Mel C, they haven't any lyrical/musical talent.

And as for the enhanced computer technology they will doubtless use to make themselves sound good.

M Byrne, Clover Street, Little Horton