SIR - Having lived in Bradford all my 37 years and been a council tax payer since its introduction, I feel it's time I complained about a serious issue that happens every day in the Wibsey area where I live.

There is a blatant disregard for the parking laws here and on several occasions I have come very close to being collided with whilst trying to enter Beacon Road from the road at the side of the Co-op because drivers are parking on double yellow lines while calling at the Co-op or the takeaway.

Also, after 5.30pm the high street in Wibsey is a death trap, with drivers parking on yellow lines to call at takeaways and takeaway delivery drivers parking outside the shops, again on yellow lines.

I have seen, on a number of occasions, police cars collecting pizzas as well.

While I appreciate the police have a busy job, I feel it's only a matter of time before somebody is seriously injured or killed as a result of these lazy drivers flouting the law.

Mr A R McCrudden, Beldon Park Avenue,Wibsey