SIR - Mr L Holdsworth (T&A, June 29) is concerned about building on green belt land.

However, only one of the sites he mentions, Chellow Dene, forms part of the South & West Yorkshire Green Belt designation.

It is important to make the distinction between greenbelt land and greenfield land - the latter being land that has not previously been developed, the former being the mainly agricultural land surrounding major urban conurbations officially designated as greenbelt by the DCLG, within which there is a general presumption against all forms of development.

The greenbelt is one of the causes of high land prices that make property development so lucrative.

So, in answer to Mr Holdsworth's question, until some kind of change to greenbelt policy is effected, "fat cat property owners" will indeed remain one of the few economic beneficiaries.

His suggestion that the land at the Woolcombers site would hold many more dwellings than the site at Chellow Dene is politically salient and brownfield development is currently favoured by policymakers, the problem being the relative expense compared to greenfield development and thus developers' preference for the latter.

Richard Killip, Kingston Road, Bradford