SIR - Regular readers will be aware of Mike Priestley's opinions, particularly with regard to Tony Blair.

"Good riddance" he said in a recent article comparing past prime ministers of his time and trying to find good in their deeds.

How easy it is to list the failings and follies of past leaders. How easy it is to find more negatives than positives.

The British people voted for Mr Blair and kept him in office for over 10 years because he was and is simply the best.

He and the Labour Party have put the Great back into Britain. Yes they made mistakes and yes maybe they could have done more; but they have had to deal with world events of immense difficulty and complexity.

Above all we have lost the most gifted Prime Minister of modern times; a man in a league of his own, passionate about his country who listened to the people and has led this country to prosperity and world respect.

What a pity Mike felt unable to list and comment on the considerable achievements of Tony Blair alongside his failings, instead of pondering his charismatic personality.

History will indeed judge Tony Blair for what he continues to achieve.

Ian Slater, Poplar Crescent, Shipley