SIR - I write in reply to "Time for protest", Malcolm Wood's query on why we English are not demanding the social benefits that the Scots get e.g. free university education from "insidious" taxes on middle England, (T&A, June 29).

I'd respect his views rather more if he were critical of the Thatcherites' use of Scottish North Sea Oil's revenues to fund the smashing of the unions and massive unemployment in the 1980s; letting manufacturing industry go to the wall while encouraging us all to live off service industries.

That revenue would have gone a long, long way if spent on the relatively small Scottish population.

The only union I subscribe to is that between our counties, by the way.

I believe that, though well down, Scottish oil revenue is still not considerable and we will all suffer when the oil finally runs out.

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon, Shipley