SIR - How ironic that one person, many years ago (around 1578) changed the lives, in no way for the better, of millions of people by bringing tobacco to Europe.

OK, so he also brought the humble potato, which has again been a problem to we food lovers.

Since then tobacco has caused much pain, cost many, many lives and will continue to do so.

His legacy is that people throughout the land will yet again be trying to stop this addiction this week because of the expensive legislation we've funded.

Believe me, I wholeheartedly support the many people who want to give up, and are seeing this as a starting point.

I wish you all success but please remember, your spouses have seen you through thick and thin. So vent your frustrations digging/weeding/aerating the garden, or walking to get the first beneficial lungful of our Yorkshire air.

Or even start taking up some sort of sport which, according to other people, could also become addictive but with a much better outcome.

Good luck to you all, young or not so young.

Rita Robertshaw, Dalecroft Rise, Allerton, Bradford