SIR - For Mr Tasker's information, many organisations working on behalf of pensioners, including my own and, to their credit, the Dept of Work and Pensions, try to ensure everyone entitled to Pension Credit, claims it.

The fact is, it should not be necessary. The State Pension is a right, not a benefit, paid for in most cases by many years of National Insurance contributions.

However, the basic State Pension is totally inadequate and one of the lowest in Europe, which forces 60 per cent of pensioners on to means tested benefit.

The solution is simple. There should be a decent basic level of State Pension for all, with increases linked to earnings. It is affordable and means-tested benefit would be eliminated.

Finally, I agree there are some well off pensioners but, like everyone else, they pay Income Tax, even on the State Pension.

Peter Meer, Chairman Yorkshire and Humber Pensioners' Convention, Bramham Road, Bingley