SIR - The fact that a driver whose dangerous driving killed two people can escape with a prison sentence of just two years simply beggars belief (T&A, June 26).

Don't forget, he will only serve half this term with time off for good behaviour!

It could be said that due to the state of our overcrowded prisons the fact that this man is being jailed at all is a miracle!

Why does our judiciary deal so lightly with drivers who cause someone's death? The powers and sentences are already in place, why don't judges use them?

How bad does a collision have to be? How many innocent victims have to die before maximum terms of imprisonment are handed out?

Still, things could be worse. My daughter (aged 34 years) died in a similar collision near to her home in Evansville, Indiana, USA, in September 2003.

Indiana does not have the offences of causing death by dangerous driving or driving without due care and attention.

The only offence that the prosecutor was almost reluctantly prepared to proceed with was "going too fast to avoid a collision" for which he (the driver involved) was fined $10 with $86 costs - not even £50.

Brian Pickford, Summerbridge, Crescent, Eccleshill