SIR - I recently visited BD Direct to enquire about my housing benefit, as I felt I was paying too much towards my rent and not getting benefit I was entitled to.

I was reliably informed that gross income is taken into consideration when calculating housing benefit, not net income which is what people physically receive and have to live on.

I was told it is not council's responsibility to take account of people's debt when assessing benefit, which is quite correct and proper.

However, in my case it's a question of over-payment of disability benefits due to the relevant department's error 13 years ago.

I am still paying the money back, and will be for the next four years.

I would point out that a reported two million people receiving on tax credits were overpaid, through no fault of their own, and as a result will be missing out on vital help towards housing costs, rent or council tax.

I don't consider an official administration error as debt in the true meaning of the word and as such I and other innocent families who need help are going short on the help we desperately need.

Joanne Clough, Argent Way, Holmewood