SIR - Your correspondent (T&A, June 27) asks what the law is regarding seat belts in motor homes.

The law states that seat belts shall be fitted to a motor car (Mech Prop Vehicle N/Ex 3 tons ULW) in the driver's seat and all forward facing seats up to the one furthest from the drivers seat.

Clearly, if this vehicle is neither a motor car nor has forward facing seats, no seat belt is required in those seats and if one is not required then one cannot wear it.

It seems to me the police officer who stopped him either did not know the law or was looking at other matters.

When I was a serving officer I would have been looking at an offence contrary to Reg 100 Road Vehicles Construction and Use Regulations 1986 known as carrying passenger/load in a manner likely to cause danger or injury.

In conclusion I would not recommend carrying passengers insecurely anyway and the may even be insurance breach of contract implications.

Ian Jayne, Willowfield Crescent, Bradford