SIR - It's rare I read a religious-based column but I enjoyed Geoff Reid's "Swapping (Tax) Haven for Heaven".

He highlighted how the super rich end up paying less tax in percentage terms than the super poor.

I then read on Ceefax how Tony Blair had "secured" Britain's opt out of the Charter of Human Rights and also kept Britain's tax and benefit "arrangements".

The "arranging" would, of course, have been with and for the rich and even richer.

Sadly our elitist class system will continue, and the problems of crime it helps to create.

Excavations in Israel have revealed that periods of reasonable equality shown by buildings and artefacts discovered were the very periods when the prophets were silent.

The periods of inequality were when the profits were angry.

Jesus Christ would be very angry at modern Britain.

Eric Firth, Wellington Street, Wilsden