SIR - I feel I must reply to A Shipman (T&A. June 19) and others who believe Tony Blair and his Government has a record to be proud of and describe him as having integrity and sincerity?!

Well let me list some of Tony's "achievements"!

A prison crisis so bad that we no longer imprison criminals unless they have committed murder. Even then, they get a lenient sentence.

A housing crisis, which means most of our children are unable to get on the housing ladder.

Massive cuts in our armed forces.

Unlimited immigration which continues to bring 500,000 people into the UK ever year and continues to destroy our public services.

The cash for peerages scandal.

Too many pieces of draconian legislation to list, including imprisonment without trial and trials without jury.

Then there's the useless and expensive ID card scheme.

The war in Iraq that saw, at conservative estimates, the loss of 600,000 lives, many women and children and many of our own sons and daughters.

And his most recent disgusting act of treason, when he signed away our country to the EU.

Tony Blair's achievements would be funny if they weren't so tragic.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman , Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury