SIR - Elizabeth Henry (T&A, June 28) is unfortunate, but far from alone, in suffering at the hands of insurance companies.

But there is another way.

If you add up all you spend on optional' insurances, including breakdowns, gap, credit-card, mobile phones, payment protection, private health, travel and the many other forms of cover, it's a huge amount of money every month.

Instead of handing this to a dozen different insurers, why not open a deposit account at a building society, pay in the equivalent amount monthly and you'll be amazed how it mounts up (with interest, don't forget) over the years.

Then, whenever a disaster' strikes, you'll have plenty of money to cover the cost, no claim forms to fill in, no arguments with loss adjusters, no lengthy delays while they wriggle out of paying or call you a liar to reduce your claim. You are in control, with your own money.

And, if you don't have many disasters (and no one person has them all), you've got a tidy nest-egg, which always remains yours to do with as you wish.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon