Today is the first full day in a healthier Bradford and Britain but how you feel about the ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces may well be determined by whether or not you are hooked.

Non-smokers can breathe a huge sigh of relief, glad, no doubt, that in doing so they are not getting a lung full of second-hand carcinogens. Smokers, on the other hand, may be feeling a little more victimised and a little less welcome than they did on Saturday.

The Telegraph & Argus has long campaigned against smoking and sees this ban as a huge opportunity both for individuals and businesses. On an individual level, there may not be a better time for smokers to quit, with temptation a little more out of sight. For our hospitality industry, there are likely to be many customers who in the past shied away from smoky rooms to be won back.

What must not be allowed to happen, however, is for the ban to be ignored. It is not possible, nor desirable, for the authorities to be watching everyone all the time and so there will inevitably be a degree of self-policing required.

Drink-driving is now seen as unacceptable and only a relatively few misguided souls do it. But many arrogant individuals continue to flout the ban on using a mobile phone while driving in the misguided belief that they know better. We all have our part to play in ensuring the smoking ban develops like the former, not the latter.

At stake is our health and that of future generations and whether we want to be a modern, healthy society or one choked by an inability to embrace change for the better.