It is disturbing to think there may be a whole new generation of idiots growing up who think it is all right to attack firefighters. New figures show that last month the number of attacks on the service in West Yorkshire was more than double last year's monthly average, with only Hunslet in Leeds ahead of Bradford for such outrages.

But perhaps the most shocking fact is that children as young as five are now becoming involved. What may seem like harmless fun to such immature minds could result in tragedy, but getting that message across can be a difficult, not to say expensive, business. A £50,000 taskforce is now doing the rounds of our schools trying to do just this, though it is too early to say how successful this initiative will be.

One thing that can be said with a degree of certainty is children of such tender years did not just suddenly wake up with the idea that attacking and abusing figherfighters would be fun. They are obviously imitating their elders, though certainly not their betters, in this matter.

So while it is hoped the hearts and minds of future generations can indeed be influenced for the greater good, catching the role models' who ensure the perpetuation of such acts must remain a priority. Cameras on fire engines and helmets can lead to the arrest of these yobs. The courts must then send a suitable signal to those responsible and those likely to follow in their footsteps, with custody high on the agenda.