SIR - I moved to Bingley in 1983 - the town then supported three small supermarkets plus an assortment of other stores, and its council offices overlooking a small but pleasant park.

Over the years the town has been in steady decline, even with all the new houses.

And seems to have been forgotten by the Council who claim large amounts of council tax and then, as I see it, squander it to pacify the human imports who live within the city limits.

I have noted that within the city limits there are play areas and skate parks, which are of a good standard.

What about the youngsters of Bingley? There is the park - with an area big enough to build a skate park along with play area.

I have concerns for my grandson and his mates who have to travel the area so they can enjoy their sport.

So come on Bradfor Council, dip into the airport sale profit and do a little for the kids of Bingley.

J Spooner, Bradford Road, Bingley