SIR - On April 11 this year I wrote to Bradford South Police about a motoring incident that I had witnessed a few days earlier on the Bradford ring road.

My car had been followed along that road, from Fenby Avenue to Undercliffe, by a Toyota, driven by a woman who used her mobile phone throughout the whole journey, a distance of about 2.5 miles.

I gave the police this car's registration number. The incident was also witnessed by my wife.

I received a reply, dated April 20, which informed me that a police officer would be in contact with me to discuss this matter.

On June 9, due to the fact that no-one had contacted me and this being 50 days following my receiving the letter saying someone would, I sent a second letter informing the police not to bother contacting me about this matter.

I was somewhat disappointed with the lack of response and I wonder, was I being a bit naïve in expecting more interest to be shown?

Brian Pickford, Summerbridge Crescent, Eccleshill