SIR - I keep saying this, but I'm going to say it again. Why aren't we English marching on Parliament demanding that we receive the same treatment and benefits as those enjoyed by the Scots?

In Scotland the young can look forward to free university education and the old can expect free long-term care.

Scottish patients with Alzheimer's and the most common cause of blindness get free medicines that have been ruled too expensive for England.

Scotland has scrapped prescription charges and plans to cut primary school classes to 18.

All these benefits are denied to the 50 million people living in England, but lavished on five million privileged Scots.

The cost of all this amounts to £8,265 per head on public service spending for Scotland, yet only £6,762 per head in England, a difference of £1,500 or 20 per cent, which is being funded by the massive tax rises and hundreds of insidious stealth taxes inflicted by Gordon Brown on middle England.

How is it possible for a whole nation to be treated in such a scandalous manner without raising so much as a whimper of dissent? It is completely unbalanced, unfair and unsustainable.

Malcolm Wood, Westercroft View, Northowram