SIR - What a cynical letter from Jenny Sampson regarding the Blair Reign (T&A, June 26).

Whilst not swallowing all the Blairite spin, I can still appreciate there are things he has done (or his Government I should say) that will be his epitaph more than his blunders (with hindsight this bit) over Iraq.

The international jury is still out on whether or not there were such a thing as weapons of mass destruction, although I have no doubt that in the years to come they will be revealed one way or another.

I pay more tax now than before I retired.

I see OAPs with money in their purses that hitherto they had not. I see people working who, up to now, had no inclination to chase work.

I also see one young person (approximately 19/20 now) who will never work because his father and grandma give him too much money, so he has no incentive to even look for work, even though he presumably collects his Job Seekers Allowance.

Phil Boase, Elizabeth Street, Wyke