SIR - How much longer do we have to wait before this inept council tells us how they intend to spend the money from the sale of our airport?

If it is a problem deciding how to spend this money may I offer some advice: As a first priority they should either repair or replace the clock in Shipley market square, otherwise the monstrosity should be demolished.

They definitely should not extend St George's Hall. I would suggest some of the money from the airport sale should be used to purchase and refurbish the Odeon building and let's have a superb concert hall which is precisely what a lot of local people want. St George's is not an ideal concert venue but I would not wish to see it demolished so perhaps it could be used as an art gallery or museum.

There must be some councillors who are opposed to the demise of the Odeon so why on earth don't they speak out and act as councillors should instead of behaving dumb.

R Binns, Thornbridge Mews, Bradford