SIR - On Sunday, July 1, a blanket ban on smoking comes into effect throughout England.

I have not always agreed with government policies, but I am in agreement with this one, and us "Smoking Joes" will just have to come to terms with it.

The reason for the ban is a classic case of "swings and roundabouts". The Government is losing billions of pounds on revenue through people going abroad on "baccy runs", and few people buying cigarettes or tobacco from the ships, now they go to illicit sources and obtain it half price.

The Government has concluded that the saving to the NHS through smoking related illnesses will compensate for this loss of revenue.

There has never been a more opportune time for smokers to quit the habit and most smokers would dearly love to stop.

I myself have attempted on occasions to quit, but have met with failure.

My story is always the same. After going to the pub and drinking a plethora of beer, one wakes in the morning with cigarettes evident.

I will be stopping smoking on July 1 and all the people whom are attempting to quit have my best wishes for success.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw.