SIR - I read with interest the letter from Pamela McCallum (T&A, June 25) where she stated that smokers should be afforded a place to smoke in a free society.

Even as an ardent anti-smoker I would have to agree. I personally do not enjoy smoking but I would support anybodies right to smoke if they so desired, albeit in a designated area.

But, as Mrs McCallum stated, we are now increasingly living in a dictatorship and her correlations between Blair and Adolf Hitler got me thinking.

It is true Blair's Civil Contingencies Act is virtually identical to Hitler's Enabling Act. Hitler initiated an ID card scheme linked to a database, which he used to record all his citizens ethnic data, not entirely dissimilar to Blair's ID card scheme.

Hitler was known to add fluoride to the water of his concentration camps to make the captives more docile, while Blair wanted to add this to his entire countries water!

And how many people know Hitler was one of the greenest leaders around, much like Blair.

Of course, Hitler never ruled Europe, although Blair just might if he becomes the new EU President!

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury