SIR - Does Hitler spring to mind with this present Government and the economically privileged members of our society, striving for a superior race of non-smoking, non-drinking and healthy eating society?

What makes non-smokers superior to smokers? Why should non-smokers have all the rights over smokers? Why are smokers banned from enjoying their leisure time in the same way as non-smokers?

I do not drink, I'm not overweight, I have never taken recreational drugs, I'm not a sexual deviant and I have never stolen from anyone.

Yet my life is criminalised and imprisoned by this Government and non-smokers for having the one pleasure in my life - smoking.

When I go out for a meal, I want to be able to enjoy having a cigarette afterwards. I do not want to have to go out in the freezing cold in winter to have that cigarette.

I do not object to having non-smoking rooms, as it is much a right for non-smokers, as it is for smokers to have a smoking room.

When I am at work I want to be able to have a cigarette during break times.

This country is so chronically obsessed with everyone's health it's killing our spirits.

Diane Wainwright, West View, Bradford