SIR - I am a serving prison officer with 12 years experience.

During my time as a serving officer, I have dealt with many different conflict situations, ranging from verbal to violent.

On June 23 I was admitted to Bradford Royal Infirmary A&E department.

Upon my arrival I witnessed members of the public being abusive to each other; blood on the reception area, check in desk and floor; admittance staff being abused due to not being able to communicate in a foreign language.

Doctors and nurses were being verbally and physically abused and police were dealing with the same situations themselves, with detained individuals.

Due to my own situation I was unable to give any assistance to either the medical staff or police.

Can I finally express my heart felt thanks to all the medical staff and doctors that cared for me and looked after my wife.

Your professional care and dedication to a difficult career did not go un-noticed from a fellow professional Bradfordian.

Thank you and keep up the good work.

I Vickers, Plumpton Avenue, Wrose