SIR - Tony Blair said, more than once, in Parliament on Tuesday, supported by Gordon Brown, that other treaties, especially Maastricht in February 1992, had not been a subject thought necessary by the Conservatives, to be put to a referendum.

This is no reason for not having one on what Blair refers to as a Constitution Treaty'. But why didn't David Cameron ask the PM how he would have voted if there had been one put before the electorate.

In 1992, all Blair's speeches indicated he was a fervent Euro-sceptic, as was Brown and all his party. He only became a Europhile when he saw it might be in his personal interests, no doubt with an eye to a EU presidency, which we are now on our way to having.

We must have a referendum on this. Tony Blair, that great man of integrity, promised us one.

Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley