SIR - I would like to give readers a word of warning at a time when, I am sure, that due to the weather, many of them will be making insurance claims.

After television storm alerts, part of my garden wall collapse, during the night, about ten days ago.

The loss adjuster has refused my claim as it : "cannot be considered as storm damage due to the absence of high winds."

I have tried to ring the insurance company to find out just how bad the wind has to be to satisfy their definition of storm damage, but I haven't been able to get any further than the piped music and false platitudes of the recorded messages.

It infuriates me that tenuous excuses can be used to avoid payment, particularly as it is the first time I have ever claimed.

That's life I suppose, at least I can console myself with the fact that all my prompt policy payments will be helping to line the pockets of unscrupulous people who stage fake car accidents and report fictitious muggings in order to claim for "stolen" mobile phones etc.

Who says crime doesn't pay!

Elizabeth Henry, Long Lane, Queensbury