SIR - So Tony Blair has committed his final act of treason, by signing away what's left of our country to the EU.

It's a good job Blair managed to secretly repeal the treason laws in the Crime & Disorder Act isn't it?

Blair is, of course, trying to sell this treaty as "good for the UK", even though it sees the loss to us of another 63 vetoes in policy areas.

Add the 24 vetoes already lost as part of the Amsterdam Treaty, and the 46 from the Nice Treaty that gives a grand total of 133 vetoes given away by the Labour government.

With such a serious loss of our sovereignty, shouldn't we, the people, be given the chance to have our say via a referendum?

The government say no, as they claim it's just another treaty, when it is in fact the rejected EU Constitution resurrected as an "amending treaty" - repackaged to avoid having to seek our approval.

As part of the new "treaty", the EU would adopt a full time President and new French President Nicolas Sarkozy has suggested to EU leaders that Tony Blair is the man for the job. God help us all!

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford & District Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury