SIR - As someone who has only recently started to take the T&A daily, I am amazed at the number of ill-informed, negative, grumbling letters which you receive.

If the writers are not complaining at the state of the country, the government, or the NHS, then it seems to be about Bradford Council.

As someone who lived and worked in Africa for many years, I count my blessings every day for all the privileges, and benefits we have living here in England, and, yes, here in Bradford. Let's be positive.

I recently had occasion to visit a home run by Bradford Council, Thompson Court, at Crossflatts.

I was so impressed by the warm, lovely atmosphere, the cleanliness, and the helpful, kind staff. All the many, elderly residents I spoke to gave the home a "ten out of ten" rating!

This is just one very small example of the many, good, unsung things done in Bradford, by Bradford, and for Bradford folk.

Elizabeth Parrish, Heaton Close, Baildon