SIR - In reply to Peter Meer the pension expert (T&A, June 20) I would like to ask him how else benefits would get to the right person if they were not assessed?

There are some very rich pensioners, so you can't make it one size fits all'.

If, as he claims, there are two million pensioners not claiming their credits, it is up to people like him to find out why!

It is nice to know I have an ally in A Shipman (T&A, June 19) about the last ten years.

Yes I could have mentioned the minimum wage along with a whole host of other things like Sure Start, new deal, maternity leave, etc. These are important things to the working class.

I think it was Brian Holmans who suggested Philip Bird discounted public sector workers as jobs. Tell that to the employees.

Now, about Europe, I don't really know that much about it, a bit like Messrs Smith and Bird really.

One says £135 million a day and the other £40 million, these two gentlemen are scare-mongers.

I agree with Peter Wilson who says, "things like health, education, taxation, pensions and benefits, law and order, foreign policy etc, are the preserve of Westminster", Gordon (clunking fist) Brown will sort it out.

Geoff Tasker, Park Road, Low Moor