SIR - Mr Bird asks what I make of the fact that China now produces more CO2 than the United States (T&A, June 25).

It is simple. Each American still produces more than four times the CO2 of each Chinese or Indian and has been doing so for the last century. We are not far behind.

Between 1950 and 2000 Americans produced 500 tonnes of CO2 each, while those in Asia could only manage 16 tonnes.

The rise in climate change gas to date has been mainly the result of consumption in the overdeveloped world.

We have no right to criticise the economic growth of poorer countries, particularly as the Chinese motor vehicle standards are higher than in the US and cities like Delhi and Shanghai insist that all public transport uses the lower CO2 producing compressed natural gas.

The only responsibility we have is for our own personal CO2 footprint, and Mr Bird seems keen on reducing his. Well done.

Keith Thomson, Heights Lane, Bradford