SIR - Could someone please clarify the situation regarding seat belts in motor homes?

While travelling with my brother-in-law and our wives to Cumbria, we were pulled by the police and he was given a fine for allowing passengers (our wives) to travel without seat belts.

The motor home is quite modern but has no facility for seat belts for passengers, other than the front seats for driver and mate.

The seats on which our wives were travelling are side facing and, because there are windows at both sides, no belt securing area is available We have been in touch with the distributors who say the vehicle is quite legal and indeed there are thousands on the road.

We appealed against the fine and, after some time, it was rescinded but we could not get any guarantee that we would not be stopped in future.

This has created a dare we risk travelling or not' situation .

I would be grateful if you could give me a answer on this.

R N Newsome, Leeds Road, Windhill