SIR - Here's a brief note of thanks to the many local innkeepers and restaurateurs with whom I have been pleased to exchange much cash over recent decades.

With the July 1 smoking ban, this mutually-enjoyed relationship comes to an end, not to resume until this petty nanny-rule' is repealed.

No doubt any resultant trade losses, closures and staff reductions will go as silently unreported as those in Scotland, due to Nanny's insidious influence over the media.

The facts are that Scottish drink sales are down 11 per cent, food down three per cent and 33 per cent of pubs have reduced their staffing. Draw your own conclusions.

Spending money in pubs and restaurants was always optional, and some will now take the option to stay away.

But who knows, if so much turnover, profit, employment, Corporation Tax, PAYE, National Insurance, VAT and Excise Duty are eventually lost that Nanny can no longer deny the real downside, then perhaps David Hockney and I may live to see a reversal, with a return to some sanity and balance.

Until that time, thanks and au revoir' to you all.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon