SIR - I am 72 and have just been diagnosed as having age-related macular degeneration which came on quickly, affecting my left eye quite badly.

My right eye is showing signs of going the same way.

I've been told the condition is treatable but not on the NHS. It seems I must wait until my sight has gone in the left before I qualify for treatment which is a ludicrous situation to be in.

Having worked until 64 years of age, with only a few years to bring up my children I've paid into the system.

Fortunately I've always enjoyed good health and haven't needed to draw on the NHS. Now when there's a risk of blindness I'm refused treatment.

It seems most unfair to say the least, because if I lived in Scotland I would be treated, there'd be no problem.

My consultant at the BRI seemed genuinely distressed that he couldn't offer treatment. He can only offer the name of vitamins and an appointment for six months time.

I now find it's not easy to get these vitamins either. After a lot of hard work by my local pharmacy I have managed to purchase some.

So where do we go from here, apart from blind?

Mavis Emmott, Chellow Gardens, Deanwood Crescent, Allerton