SIR - How gratifying that Edmund Davies has won an important part in a TV production. Your report (June 23) skipped over the earlier stages in his career, which are important, since they show how local organisations are nurturing talent like his.

I first saw him perform a Shakespearian sonnet, dressed in doublet and hose, in the ACT, the Actors' Community Theatre, production of The Love Act at The Priestley some years ago, after which he also appeared in a number of ACT productions.

Later, he was a member of The Writers' Company performing my play, Into the War Zone, in various venues across Yorkshire.

Not only was his sunny disposition an asset to the company (something well illustrated in your picture, though he seems to have slimmed a bit since last I saw him, no bad thing), but he also proved to be a versatile actor, filling in the difficult part of an anarchist Human Shield (complete with Spanish accent), at very short notice when the actor playing the part had to miss one particular performance.

With Edmund, that makes three of that company who have made their way into TV: Russell Shaw and Mohammed Rafique, the latter also having featured in the cinema.

Karl Dallas, Church Green, Manningham