SIR - What on earth was A Shipman (T&A, June 19) thinking? He was obviously talking out of what most people sit on.

Tony Blair a record to be proud of? He's the worst Prime Minister over the last century. He's almost brought this country close to civil war with his immigration fiasco.

A Shipman has obviously not had to sit in casualty for close on two hours in agony, or gone to the hospital on appointment and waited two hours to be seen because everyone else happens to have the same appointment time.

A Shipman obviously is oblivious to the crime wave, drink problems, unruly children at schools and on the street; the redundancies at major companies so cheap foreign labour can be set on, not to mention the state of the farming and agricultural decline over the last ten years due to the EU.

No Mr Blair doesn't want a pat on the back. A knife in it would be more apt.

Jenny Sampson, Rossmore Drive, Allerton