SIR - I read your front page regarding dental patients but was surprised that the blame seems to be falling upon the local PCT (T&A, June 23).

The reality is that the Government is to blame here. Didn't Tony Blair promise at a party conference speech that everyone would have access to an NHS dentist by 2000? It is 2007 now, yeah?

There again what happened to the "fewer car journeys within five years" claim, or the fully integrated transport system promise? The "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" promise is laughable, as is the whiter than white government of no sleaze. Hmmm, free train tickets, visas via the back door, Clapham Common goings on, added to the Hutton inquiry and weapons of mass destruction say it all.

While the "cash for honours" has quietened down I notice the removal of our free speech hasn't. Finally can we really believe that the "education, education, education" claim has also borne fruit?

This Government can be summed up (ask any owner of a small business) better by "regulation, regulation, regulation" along with the many jobsworths it has produced.

Councillor Roger Taylor (Con, Northowram and Shelf Ward, Calderdale MBC). Glen Terrace, Halifax