SIR - Leukaemia CARE has a number of guaranteed places for anyone who would like to take part in the Berlin Marathon (September 30) and New York Marathon (November 5) and raise money for our charity at the same time.

We are offering these places free of charge, although runners are expected to raise a minimum level of sponsorship.

We would also love to hear from runners who already have a place in these marathons but haven't decided which charity they will support.

I work as part of a team that provides care and support to patients, their families and carers during the difficult journey through the diagnosis and treatment of blood and lymphatic cancer.

We provide the UK's only dedicated free 24-hour care line, enabling patients and families to discuss their feelings, concerns and emotions.

We also set up support groups and provide information, discretionary financial support and holidays to those in need.

The service we provide is invaluable to those who use it but we do rely on volunteers, donations and sponsorship.

So if you would like to help us, please call our Fundraising Team on 0870 77 43 667 or visit

Chris Worton, Birch Court, Blackpole East, Worcester