SIR - It was not the EU that brought British engineering to its knees as A G Goldsborough claims (T&A, June 16) but, I hate to say it, the sainted Thatcher.

By following the crazed monetary policies of Friedman and Hayek, she took the pound to $2.40 and interest rates to 15 per cent.

British products became uncompetitive and were priced out of markets at home and abroad and manufacturers looking for help from her government were turned away by ministers repeating their mistress's doctrine: There is No Alternative', which your readers with long memories might remember "Tina".

As to fishing, Mr Goldsborough should realise that territorial waters only extend 20 kilometres beyond your shores so that much of La Manche and the German Sea are theoretically open to anyone with a net.

So it seems sensible to me to regulate what little remains by international agreement than allow a free-for-all to fish the entire area to extinction.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley