SIR - I heartily endorse the views of Malcolm Wood and A G Goldsbrough in condemning Islamists both here and abroad who seek to dictate who should or should not be awarded UK honours (T&A, June 21).

I reserve a special condemnation for a letter on the same date from Qasim Khan, who writes of the insult to Muslims by Sir Salman's award. May I remind him that the victims of 9/11 and 7/7 were rather more forcefully "insulted". They were butchered, and their insane murderers were certainly not Methodists! Mr Khan continues that "people of no faith should not comment on religious matters".

So close your eyes now, Mr Khan! I do not believe God exists. However, I live in a society where my views are respected even by those who completely disagree with me, and who do not seek to stifle my freedom of expression - unlike those Islamic societies which Mr Khan would like to see replicated here, where views such as mine would not only be forbidden, but subject to the harshest imaginable punishments.

Perhaps some non-Muslim Lib-Dems might comment on Councillor Khan's profoundly non-liberal views.

Peter Wilson, Thornhill Grove, Calverley