SIR - I would like to reply to the letter from Councillor Qasim Khan (T&A, June 21) with regard to the knighthood for Salman Rushdie.

Unaccustomed as I am to defending Labour MPs, I would like to say Ann Cryer was correct when she said foreign governments have no right to make comments on what happens in our country, and especially not the undemocratic government variety such as Pakistan's.

I must confess I have not read, nor do I intend to read, any of Mr Rushdie's work but I am convinced (and this is where I find myself agreeing with Councillor Khan) that Mr Rushdie's knighthood is a deliberate attempt to stir up Muslims in our country.

Why would the government do this, you ask? Well, Brown is hardly going to be able to push through his next round of draconian laws without the people suitably conditioned, is he?

I suggest people of all sides do not get whipped up by the Government's propaganda machine. Let's not play along and become government puppets.

Jason Smith (UKIP Bradford & District chairman), Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury.